Fort Worth Mortgage Services
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Loan Options Fort Worth Homes
Popular Fort Worth Loan Options
30 Year Fixed Conventional, FHA, VA and USDA Home Loan Options
Refinance Your Fort Worth Home
Below are the top websites that will refinance your home.
First Time Fort Worth Home Buyer
First time home buyers in Fort Worth should not be discouraged when buying their first home. Fort Worth is home to comforting people with good attitudes that will accept anybody new. Homes in Fort Worth are suitable for any size family with price and space. Homes range from small to exquisite. Don’t be frightened when buying or selling, Fort Worth has plenty of friendly realtors and easy-going movers ready to help whenever the occasion. For more info, go to the “services” tab.
Lower Your Mortgage
Extend Your Repayment Term
A simple way to lower your mortgage payment is to extend your term (which is also referred to as re-casting or re-amortizing) if you can. You don’t even need to refinance your mortgage to do this because most lenders will simply offer this service for a fee of about $250.
If you extend your 15- or 30-year mortgage to a 40-year mortgage, your monthly mortgage payment will decrease since you have more time to pay back your loan by stretching out the term. While you may pay more interest on your mortgage over time with this option, it’s best for borrowers who need an immediate solution and may consider refinancing their mortgage in the future.
Refinance Your Mortgage
If you do choose to refinance your mortgage, it is one of the best ways to help ensure you lower your mortgage payment and your interest rate so you can pay less in interest over the life of your loan.
Make a Larger Down Payment
If you are still in the market for a home, consider putting a large down payment down in order to keep your monthly mortgage low. While it’s best to put at least 20 percent down, if you aren’t in an immediate hurry to buy, see if you can set aside even more.
The more you put down on your home, the lower your mortgage will be. And if you put at least 20 percent down, you won’t have to pay private mortgage insurance which will save you quite a bit of money as well.
Get Rid of Your PMI
If you bought your house and put down less than 20 percent of the purchase price as a down payment, you are probably paying mortgage insurance on top of your regular mortgage payment which can add tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to the overall cost of your home loan.
The good news, however, is that you can get rid of PMI. First, you have to repay enough of your mortgage so that you gain at least 20 percent equity in your home. Then, you can request your lender drop your PMI. Your lender may send an appraiser to your property to verify how much equity you have in your home before getting rid of the PMI, but either way if it is removed, your mortgage payment will be lowered.
Types Of Mortgage Loans Available in Fort Worth
Types Of Mortgage Loans Available in Fort Worth
15 year Fixed – Rate (3.74%)
20 year Fixed – Rate (4.07&)
30 year Fixed – Rate (4.63%)