Fort Worth Homes For Sale By School
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Schools Fort Worth
Number of Schools in The Fort Worth Area
There are currently approximately 393 schools in Fort Worth, TX. These range from elementary to high school. 200 Elementary schools, 114 Middle Schools, and 79 High Schools.
School Districts in Fort Worth
Fort Worth Independent School District
Keller Independent School District
Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District
Northwest Independent School District
Fort Worth Schools Reviews
Schools in Fort Worth are very prosperous and do a good job at getting kids on track for their careers. The schools challenge the students minds and abilities to learn and better themselves. The algorithm the schools use work and they work well.
“We joined Mosaic Academy 5 years ago and all three of my little have gone through the Mother’s Day Out. It is such a kind and positive atmosphere- the teachers are so present and intentional with every kid that walks in their doors. As a working mom, it means the world to me to have a safe environment in which my kids can learn and grow.”
Top Elementary School in South Fort Worth
Fort Worth Schools Reviews
This school is rated above average in school quality compared to other schools in Texas. Students here perform above average on state tests, are making above average year-over-year academic improvement, and this school has above average results in how well it’s serving disadvantaged students.
This school is also rated 10/10
Top Middle School North Fort Worth
International Leadership Of Texas Middle – Keller
This school is rated above average in school quality compared to other schools in Texas. Students here perform above average on state tests, are making above average year-over-year academic improvement, and this school has above average results in how well it’s serving disadvantaged students.
This school has a 9/10 rating
Top High School North West Fort Worth
Texas Academy Of Biomedical
This school is rated above average in school quality compared to other schools in Texas. Students here have above average college readiness measures, take more advanced courses per student than the state average, and this school has above average results in how well it’s serving disadvantaged students.
This school is rated 9/10